Appligent Professional Services
Focused on the efficient use of PDF
We’ve provided professional services for PDF technology since 1993. For organizations who lack internal resources, are pressed for time or just want the assurance that comes with working with the most experienced services team in PDF, we are available to be your PDF experts in the areas of PDF Forms Development, Document Accessibility, Document Imaging and Custom Software Development.
Document Accessibility
Making PDF Documents and Forms Accessible to All Persons
Appligent Document Solutions’ professionals make your documents accessible to individuals who need to use Assistive Technology (AT) to read or understand content in electronic documents. To be read by assistive-technology, documents need to be modified by adding internal structure to the documents and using tags that allow the screen reader software access to the text and images of the document.
PDF Forms Development
Leveraging the Power of PDF Forms to Collect, Compile, and Process Data
Addressing All Aspects of Electronic Forms from Layout, Functionality, and Accessibility to Data Processing and Workflows
Fillable PDF forms give organizations the ability to gather and organize data efficiently and streamline their administrative processes. The free Adobe Reader and many other third-party programs allow users to save completed forms. It is easier than ever to reduce, if not eliminate, the need for printed forms.
Cultural Heritage
Appligent Document Solutions provides state of the art, publication-grade scanning services to publishers, libraries, museums and many others.
Preservation of Important Documents Using High Resolution scanning and OCR with Digital Enhancements
Custom Software Development
Providing Custom Applications, Plug-Ins, Training and Consulting
We provide analysis, design, architecture, programming, testing, installation and long-term technical support for a variety of custom applications in addition to our commercial software.