Sample Scripts

Sample Scripts and Code

The following examples show only the critical elements needed to set up the command line call, invoke the application and capture the returned code.  Contact us if you need assistance in developing scripts or code to interface with our applications

The Command Line Interface (CLI) is a powerful programming technique useful in any server environment. All Appligent Document Solutions server-based applications include a CLI and can easily be placed in any workflow, using any programming language or scripting environment. In addition, most of the Appligent applications also support Watched Folders and/or Watched Directories for easily fitting into just about any workflow.

Please see the documentation for the specific product to learn about all of the product features

NOTE: We use FDFMerge to demonstrate the correct syntax below, but the name of any of our server-based applications may be substituted.

#Build the Executable statement $FDFMergeAppl = "$FdfMerge ";
  $FdfMergeParms = "-s -p -l $LogFile -o $OutPdfFile $InPdfFile $InFdfFile";
  $FdfMergeCmd = $FDFMergeAppl . $FdfMergeParms;

#Execute the FDFMerge command line and get the return code.
  $Return = system($FdfMergeCmd);

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'Build the Executable statement
sFdfMergeAppl = sFdfMerge
sFdfMergeParms = " -s -p -l " & sLogFile & " -o " & sOutPDFFile
sFdfMergeParms = sFdfMergeParms & " " &InPdfFile & " " & sInFdfFile
sFdfMergeCmd = sFdfMergeAppl & " " & sFdfMergeParms

'Create the Shell object to run the FDFMerge command line.
 Set wShell = Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

'Execute the FDFMerge command line and get the return code.
 iReturn = wShell.Run( sFdfMergeCmd, 10, True )
 Set wShell = Nothing

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#Build the Executable statement
  $FDFMergeAppl = "$FdfMerge ";
  $FdfMergeParms = "-s -p -l $LogFile -o $OutPdfFile $InPdfFile $InFdfFile';
  $FdfMergeCmd = $FDFMergeAppl . $FdfMergeParms;

#Execute the FDFMerge command line and get the return code.
  $Return = '$FdfMergeCmd';

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// Build the Executable Statement
sFdfMergeAppl = sFdfMerge;
sFdfMergeParms = " -s -p -l " + sLogFile + " -o " + sOutPDFFile;
sFdfMergeParms = sFdfMergeParms + " " + InPdfFile + " " + sInFdfFile;

// Add "cmd /c" if you are running on Windows (Leave out if running on Unix)
sFdfMergeCmd = "cmd /c " + sFdfMergeAppl + " " + sFdfMergeParms;

// Create the process to run the FDFMerge command line.
Process cmdlProcess;

// Execute the FDFMerge command line and get the return code.
cmdlProcess = Runtime.getRuntime( ).exe ( sFdfMergeCmd  );
cmdlProcess.waitFor ( );
iReturn = cmdlProcess.exitValue( );

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'Build the Executable statement
 sFdfMergeAppl = sFdfMerge
 sFdfMergeParms = " -s -p -l " & sLogFile & "-o " & sOutPDFFile
 sFdfMergeParms = sFdfMergeParms & " " &InPdfFile & " " & sInFdfFile
 sFdfMergeCmd = sFdfMergeAppl & " " & sFdfMergeParms

'Execute the FDFMerge command line and get the return code.
 iReturn = Shell(sFdfMergeCmd)

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